Sweet Pickin's

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Someone had posted pics of their fresh blueberry jelly on a message board I visit and it really got me thinking. I had wanted to take the boys to pick blueberries and now I had the perfect reason. As I do with most things, I obsessed over it for a few days. I must have read twenty websites with different tips for picking and recipes for blueberries. I even called ahead to the blueberry farm to make sure they had plenty left. I told the boys on Thursday that we were going to get up early on Saturday morning and go. We were so excited!!!!

I was a little worried before I went to bed on Friday night because my throat was getting really sore. Chaz had just recovered from strep and Noah had bronchitis. I was freaking out. I didn't want to have to tell the boys we couldn't go because Mommy was sick. I woke up Saturday and it was hurting so my dear husband let me sleep in until 8 and I think that helped. I sucked it up and loaded myself with Motrin, Vitamin C, Omega 3's and Echnicea.

We got to the farm by 11am. Believe it or not, it wasn't too hot and there was a decent breeze. We each had our own bucket and set out on our quest. Chaz and Caleb were competting to see who could find the most blueberries and who could find the sweetest berries. Zachary was trying to find the bluest berries and was also busy befriending the farmers sheep dog..so cute!

I have to say the funniest part of the day had to be watching Noah. It was like he was at an all you can buffet. He would have cheeks full of berries and blue juice oozing from the sides of his mouth. Every now and then you would hear him spit and say "nasty" and at this moment you knew he had mistakenly picked a berry that just wasn't ready. It was hilarious. He was in heaven and loved every minute.

In the end we managed to pick close to 2 gallons of blueberries in about an hour. We brought them home and today I made the jelly. I have to admit I was really nervous. I didn't want to make a mistake and waste our fruit. It was simple and it taste delicious. I am really proud of myself and hope to make this a family tradition.

My grandmother always canned and made homemade preserves. It's one of my fondest childhood memories. I hope I can continue the tradition.


The Spahn Family said...

I hope your jam turns out good, it looks like you had tons of fun!