Life has been pretty busy. The big kids are back in school and Noah is going to preschool three days a week. Caleb is playing football. Zach is playing baseball. It seems like we are always running somewhere for something.
In May I took a job with a start up company. Let's just say the company didn't have a great start up and I was let go last week. I was working from home and only part time so it didn't have a huge impact on us. We will definitely have less fun money. I will have to cut back on the pedicures. (Thank God it's almost real shoe season and I can shelf the flip flops.)
I'm also room mom for Zachary's 1st grade class and that takes up a lot of my time. I volunteer at the school and it's really opened my eyes to just how hard the job our teachers do really is. I can spend half a day in the workroom just running copies or laminating or filing for our teacher. Without the help of volunteers, I'm not sure how teachers get all of their work done. They all deserve a huge pat on the back.
I have sort of realized a lot about myself in the last few months. I've spent the past 10 years in IT Sales. I have some great accomplishments. I've had some personal gains that felt really, really good. I've also made paychecks that I feel blessed to have had. Looking back on all of that, no work is as rewarding as the work I am doing in my home and with my children. I find glory in all of it. It feels GREAT to be waiting for my child at the end of the school day. It feels GREAT to eat lunch in the cafeteria. It feels GREAT to staple and laminate and copy for the students. It feels GREAT to just be there for them.
I want my children to look back on their lives and lean on the memories that we are creating. I want them to know that I am always here for them. I want them to know that I am always cheering them on. Whether it's Caleb getting a sack in his game or Zachary sounding out 3 syllable words or Noah cutting a straight line from a sheet of paper. This is my glory. Who would have ever thunk it?