Chaz recently made a job change and had a little free time before taking the new position. We miss all of our family in FL and have been fortunate to see most of them over the last year. We all have been missing Grandpa and Grandma in Ft. Pierce so we decided to take a trip. Zachary and Noah were overly excited to see family and their big brother, Caleb, who was able to miss school and join us.
I was dreading the drive because I knew trying to keep a 2 ½ yr old happy in a car seat for 11 hours was going to be difficult. Typically when we take these road trips, it’s the last few hours that suck. Well this trip wasn’t like the others. I think Noah cried for the entire first 4 hours of the trip. We stopped in Valdosta to eat and were tempted to turn around and go home because things sucked so badly. Thankfully, things turned around and the second half of the trip wasn’t as awful.
We stayed in Ft. Pierce with Grandma and Grandpa and while there, Nana, my mom and Gary, drove over to spend time with us. It felt so good to be with family. It’s the missing piece to our happiness in AL. I miss getting together with family and sharing memories with the people who matter the most to us. The boys soaked up all the extra attention that was being thrown at them.
The boys and I went to the beach with my mom and Judy. Caleb and Zachary rode the boogy boards while Noah tried to sort things out. He had never been on the beach so it was all new to him. He wasn’t having the water and I must say, I can’t really blame him. It was damn cold! Noah did enjoy supervising his big brothers while they dug a hole that seemed like it may reach China.
It was hard to leave our loved ones. Coming home to Alabama felt good. I missed the mountains. Things would be perfect here if we could just add our family to our everyday lives. I miss them all and I wish the boys had more time with them. Maybe one day God will bring us all together. I’m hoping and praying!